Friday, August 10, 2012

Di Hamparan Shamrock Kuseru Nama-Mu
Title: Di Hamparan Shamrock Kuseru Nama-Mu
Author: Hasrizal Abdul Jamil
Publisher: Galeri Ilmu, 2012
Language: Malay
Pages: 342
Price: RM30.00 (WM)/ RM32.00 (EM)

Among the books that I have read, Di Hamparan Shamrock Kuseru Nama-Mu joins the collection of life journals turned into books such as Travelog Dakwah books by Prof. Muhd Kamil. This book is a compilation of journals of Ustaz Hasrizal's journey and various life experiences during his years as a student in Syariah and Islamic Studies in Mu'tah University in Jordan, and later on as a Minister of Religion in Belfast Islamic Center, Northern Ireland and all his travels around London, Belfast, Galway and other parts of United Kingdom. This book tells the readers about the highs and lows of this Muslim's journey in his academic, professional and social life as he got involved in the bureaucracy madness, extreme perceptions, international security issues and day-to-day social interactions. As imam and head of an Islamic institute in a country far from his own, he faces a lot of issues regarding religion that are different from the ones we always face or know of in our country. Thus, reading all this stories really opens up our minds and widens our knowledge, makes us aware of how's the situation going on in other parts of the world.

There are a lot of new things that I know from reading this book. About the Muslim community in Belfast especially, and how is the relationship between the government and the minority groups of this Muslim and immigrant communities in Belfast. The experiences recorded in this journal are priceless. This is a very enjoyable book to read, a good medium for us to ponder and reflect about ourselves, with simple but interesting writing techniques. I love it.    


  1. dah beli lama tapi tak habis baca lagi..

  2. bila dah start baca tu..susah nak berenti..digamit oleh bab pendek-pendek untuk terus-menerus membaca


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