Thursday, November 29, 2012

bah.. bah ..

Suatu hari di dalam satu perjalanan berkereta ke satu tempat ... berlaku perbualan di antara orang Sabah (A) dan orang Semenanjung (B) dan lokasi mereka adalah di Sabah.

A : Tuan rumah saya nak datang rumah hari ni.
B : Tuan rumah kamu Melayu ke?
A : ... Dia Muslim.

Sekali imbas, A seperti tidak menjawab soalan. Tetapi sebenarnya dia menjawab soalan dengan tepat sekali. Semuanya berkisar tentang stereotaip bahawa Melayu itu Islam dan Islam itu Melayu. Kenapa saya kata mula-mula bahawa A tidak menjawab soalan? Sebab soalan yang ditanyakan oleh B sepatutnya memerlukan jawapan samada 'ya' atau 'tidak' bergantung sama ada tuan rumahnya berbangsa Melayu atau tidak. Sebaliknya, jawapan yang diberikan adalah agama yang dianuti tuan rumah. Dan kenapa pula saya katakan jawapan yang diberi sebenarnya tepat? Walaupun ia tidak menepati kehendak soalan, ia sebenarnya menepati maksud sebenar yang ingin ditanya B. Ini kerana B berfikir di atas landasan bahawa jika Melayu, pasti Islam, dan sebenarnya B ingin tahu, tuan rumah itu muslim atau bukan.

Sebenarnya B tidaklah bermaksud untuk men'stereotaip'kan faktor itu. Ia berlaku di bawah sedar kerana B orang Semenanjung yang baru sahaja membiasakan diri dengan kehidupan di Sabah. Soalan B sebenarnya tidak salah, tetapi kurang bersesuaian dengan lokasi, kerana telah sedia maklum bahawa di Sabah, majoriti penduduknya berbangsa Kadazan, Dusun, Murut dan beratus-ratus lagi suku kaum beserta cabang-cabangnya. Jika B benar ingin tahu tentang bangsa, maka bangsalah yang patut ditanya, dan begitu juga dengan agama.

Ini juga adalah kerana di Sabah, seseorang itu dikenali secara rasmi identitinya berdasarkan suku kaumnya yang sebenar. Berbeza kalau di Semenanjung, jika orang itu berketurunan Jawa atau Bugis atau lain-lain asal nenek moyangnya, dia tetap dikenali sebagai Melayu di dalam kad pengenalannya. Pendek kata, kalau Melayu itu bukanlah dikira orang Sabah, dan bukanlah majoriti. Masyarakat Sabah yang kaya dengan suku kaumnya yang ramai ini masih kuat mengamalkan adat masing-masing dalam kehidupan. Ini saya katakan hasil pengetahuan yang tidak seberapa dalam adat perkahwinan dan pentadbiran. Sistem pentadbiran di Sabah ini lebih kompleks kerana wujudnya Mahkamah-Mahkamah Anak Negeri di samping sistem-sistem pentadbiran negara yang biasa.

Begitu banyak perkara yang dirasakan seperti rumit, tetapi sebenarnya kehidupan di mana-mana sahaja adalah sama kalau setiap orang menghormati di antara satu sama lain dan tidak membesar-besarkan sesuatu perbezaan yang ada. Dan akhir kata, janganlah disebabkan statistik yang menunjukkan sesuatu angka, kita mula 'stereotaip'kan pemikiran kita. Sebelum berkata-kata, ingat-ingatlah di mana kita berada.

Nota kaki : Islam agama sejagat.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

sembang rawak ... merungut

siapa yang suka dengar rungutan orang lain?
berani kerat jari ... tiada sesiapa yang suka mendengar rungutan

saya tidak suka merungut
saya tidak suka cepat marah
kalau saya rasa saya perlu tegur hasil kerja seseorang yang kurang baik,
saya pergi kepada orang tersebut dan cakap pada dia - terus dan elok-elok

tapi sesetengah orang,
suka merungut seperti makcik tua
(maaf, saya tahu tidak semua makcik tua begitu ... )
merungut dengan orang lain, berkenaan orang lain
maaf, telinga saya tidak mesra rungutan

tapi mungkin itu cara seseorang meluahkan perasaannya
meluahkan rasa terbuku di hati
kerana ada orang memang vokal orangnya
tapi maaflah ....
tidak semua orang kelihatan comel apabila merungut

Monday, November 26, 2012

33 Pesan Nabi: Jaga Mata, Jaga Telinga, Jaga Mulut

Comics are always connected to kids, teenagers and younger adults although there are actually many types of comics and the contents varies from those suitable for the younger'uns to those of mature age. However, the younger viewers are more attracted to comics because of the graphics and the stories that are usually funny and comedic.
When I was younger I enjoyed reading Gila-Gila and Ujang and I have a few favourite comic and caricature artists from those magazines. I also enjoyed Datuk Lat's work a lot. I have some manga favourites and sometimes I read them on the internet. However this post is actually not about discussing my favourite comics and mangas, instead I am going to introduce an interesting comic book that I have just discovered.
The title is "33 Pesan Nabi" (33 Messages from the Prophet), authored by an Indonesian comic artist Vbi Djengotten or his real name, Veby Surya Wibawa. He is, as I quote from an article in Jakarta Post, a prolific artist that can find humour from subjects ranging from the hadith (the words and deeds of Prophet Muhammad) to Facebook. His book that I am reviewing here is Malay Language translated version, distributed in Malaysia by Humaira Bookstore Enterprise. The price is only MYR14.90 and what's inside is the graphic interpretation of 33 Prophet Muhammad's hadiths related mainly from Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim. The way the hadiths were interpreted is so nice and attractive, easy to understand, reflects the hadiths well and the graphics are beautiful and clean. This comic book is sure to connect to readers of all age range and suitable for leisure reading while learning more about hadiths that are also the important source of life guidance to Muslims besides the Quran.
A good book to read and to share with others.
This artist is accessible through Facebook and his website

Monday, November 19, 2012

tears of the helpless

damn you o heartless and mindless ones
nay, you are not human
the ones who doesn't have a heart and mind,
do not deserve to be called human

what right do you have,
when you denies the rights of others ...

to live freely
to breathe freely
to grow up freely

what right do you have,
to call something as yours
when you denies the rights of others ...

to be on their homeland

what right do you have
to deny their very existence
to claim yourself the saviour of mankind
when what you obliterate is mankind

what right do you have
to let the helpless's fate lies in your hands
when instead of finding solutions
you leave them to rot
while you bicker with one another

nay, you have no right
and doom will befall on you

The dreamer©2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

personality test

While reading my friends' blogs, I came across one friend's post about a personality test that she has taken. I felt inclined to do it also and the test is here:

So, the result is in parallel with my 'dreamer'-sort of personality as I am a 'dreamy idealist' ....

Quiet, reflective and idealistic. Interested in serving humanity. Well-developed value system, which they strive to live in accordance with. Extremely loyal. Adaptable and laid-back unless a strongly-held value is threatened. Usually talented writers. Mentally quick and able to see possibilities. Interested in understanding and helping people.

..though I'm not really sure about the 'talented writer' and 'mentally quick and able to see possibilities' things, hmmmm ....... (reflecting B-) )

In this life, sometimes there is so much fear to face and get over with. I have my fears, I have my concerns. And I do admit that some fears are holding me back from doing and trying something that I think I like and love. 

Just get on with with it, life. Live.

Tawau Hills National Park - phase 1

Tawau Hills National Park or locally known as Taman Bukit Tawau is one of the national parks in Sabah that I had heard about after I started living here. It is where the famous picnic site in Tawau located; the Taman Bukit Tawau Waterfall or famously known by the locals as 'air terjun Table' (air terjun = waterfall). Well, I'm not sure why it is called 'table' ... even after I visited the place last Sunday, I still didn't quite get why.

Anyway, that aside, being not so far from where I live now, I decided to survey the place for future visits, hence the 'phase 1'. I wanted to know what else is there and what kind of things that I can do there. It wasn't very easy to find the direction to the place through the internet, all I could find were just '24km NW of Tawau' but none of the road guide. Thanks to one blogpost and area hints by a colleague, I managed to get there and looked around (phew!...such hilly roads).

This nature park is actually rather big, you can find some additional informations from here. Basically, the general public, mostly families would usually do activities like picnicking and swimming at the lowest part of the park which is near the 'Table Waterfall'. Other than that, there's a bird breeding centre and canopy walkway to the east and Botanical Garden to the west, as well as some chalets and lodges. If you are up for more challenge or feel unsatiable with mere waterfall, you can hike up the nicely marked trails to see the tallest tropical tree in the WORLD, the sulphur spring, enjoy the higher and purer waterfalls and even conquer the 2 highest peaks of the area; Mt. Lucia (1,240 m) and Mt. Maria (1,020 m). Well actually, Mt. Magdalene is the highest (1,280 m) but I was informed that right now the park's authority is in the process of preparing the trails to go there.

map of the area

related fees
(Note: Fees might change, and sometimes they even have a promotion, so please check with the management for the latest info.)

from Tawau town take the road to Merotai-Kalabakan and you'll come across the first ever signboard of the park here

park entrance

one of the lodge at the lower area

don't forget to sort your trash
pretty nice signboards at the lower parts

no...this is not the tallest one ... gotta go up higher to see 'em
canopy walkway ... sways me even after reaching firm ground
giant ants - they are very noticeable even on the ground
youngsters all soaked up

Well, I kind of missing out the most important photos, which are the waterfall itself (the part where the water actually falls ... ) and the other nature views. Anyway, I'm definitely going there again another time and hope to explore the place more.
Till then.