Saturday, September 17, 2011

mending scar...

sometimes you feel UP
sometimes you feel DOWN
sometimes you wake up in the morning
and dreading those things that you have to endure
but sometimes you also wake up with a SMILE
if you are POSITIVE
you would take it all
you would brave it all
'cause you know that there's something GOOD
for you
(only sometimes you don't know it yet....)
if you are NEGATIVE
you would still do it all
but you don't feel anything
other than a bitter heart

BITTER is viral
when you don't know how to find the GOODNESS in other people
when you don't know what is GOOD FAITH

your heart is like a mirror
what you see in it, is what you get
smiling heart, smiling countenance
dreadful heart, dreadful face
once there's a scratch
once there's a crack
you'll see it forever
but if you are positive
you can still smile
with all the cracks and scratches
'cause even though they can't be removed
they'll always be remembered
for the STRENGTH that they gave you......

The Dreamer©2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bukit Kepong, filem Melayu & ...

Sejak akhir-akhir ini, nama Bukit Kepong tiba-tiba bergema kembali di persada negara. Semuanya kerana sebuah pernyataan yang telah dikeluarkan oleh seorang ahli politik berkenaan peristiwa bersejarah di Bukit Kepong 61 tahun yang lalu yang dikatakan telah menyentuh perasaan rakyat negara ini terutamanya waris ahli keluarga anggota-anggota polis dan penduduk kampung yang terlibat di dalam peristiwa tersebut. Satu pernyataan yang dirasakan kurang sensitif yang akhirnya mengundang pelbagai reaksi dari pelbagai pihak, tidak kira yang berunsurkan fakta, propaganda mahupun emosi semata-mata. Malah ada juga yang baru mendengar nama Bukit Kepong itu sejak berlakunya ke'heboh'an ini, termasuklah orang-orang yang berasal dari negeri Johor sendiri.

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Apabila mendengar nama Bukit Kepong, aku teringatkan sebuah filem 'Bukit Kepong' arahan dan lakonan Dato' Jins Shamsuddin yang pernah aku tonton semasa ia disiarkan di kaca televisyen lebih kurang 20 tahun yang lalu. Pada masa itu, aku masih kecil, entah berapa umurku aku pun dah lupa, mungkin masih bersekolah rendah. Aku masih ingat sikit-sikit pada awal cerita pengenalan kepada watak-watak di dalam cerita itu dilakukan dengan setiap pelakon memperkenalkan diri watak masing-masing siap berpakaian uniform dan memperkenalkan nombor anggota mereka berserta nama mereka. Aku mengenali beberapa pelakon terkenal seperti Jins Shamsuddin, Yusoff Haslam, Allahyarham A. Rahim dan Allahyarham Hussein Abu Hassan yang berlakon dalam filem tersebut. Ketika babak pertempuran dan serangan bertubi-tubi, aku memang menonton dengan penuh kegerunan dan menangis melihat efek-efek kecedaraan, tembakan, pengeboman, pembakaran dan penyeksaan yang dilakukan oleh pasukan komunis terhadap anggota-anggota polis Balai Polis Bukit Kepong, anak-anak dan isteri mereka ketika mempertahankan diri. Sungguh berkesan. Dan filem itu dihasilkan pada zaman era akhir 70an-awal 80an. Bagiku, ia cukup 'impressive' pada ketika itu.

Pastinya pada ketika itu, aku sekadar pernah mendengar tentang penjajahan British, parti komunis, bintang tiga dan lain-lain tanpa memahami sebenarnya apa perjuangan mereka. Bagi aku, apa yang aku lihat ketika itu, hanyalah sekumpulan musuh yang majoriti berbangsa Cina, menyerang sebuah balai dan berek polis yang dianggotai oleh majoriti berbangsa Melayu. Namun pada ketika itu, aku tidak pernah fikir pun samada perkara itu ada kaitan dengan perbezaan kaum, perbezaan perjuangan atau lain-lain lagi. Penjajahan British di Tanah Melayu ada buruk dan baiknya, namun penjajahan tetap merupakan satu penjajahan dan ia harus ditentang. Namun kaedah penentangan itu ada pelbagai cara. Dan niat penentangan itu juga bagaimana? Apakah kerana cintakan tanah air dan akar umbi bangsa serta ingin memelihara kebebasan mengamalkan agama? Atau terpengaruh dengan aliran luar yang belum tentu harmoni dan menjamin kebebasan?

Apapun, terasa bosan juga bila melihat isu pernyataan ahli politik ini didendangkan saban hari. Ini cuma satu isu, sudah berapa banyak isu yang dicanang setiap hari tanpa kupasan yang betul-betul berisi sebaliknya hanya kelihatan hujahnya dari segi agenda politiknya sahaja. Kenangilah sejarah untuk diambil pengajaran. Dan setiap orang harus bertanggungjawab dengan apa yang diperkatakannya. Mungkin ada sebabnya beliau berkata begitu, wallahu a'lam...
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Dari aspek yang lain, menyentuh tentang filem terbabit...dengar khabarnya Dato' Yusoff Haslam ingin menghasilkan sebuah filem 'remake' Bukit Kepong tersebut. Kita tunggu dan lihat nanti. Namun, adakalanya saya terfikir, kalau kita ke kedai-kedai cd, kita pasti berjumpa dengan dvd-dvd filem-filem lama karyawan Hollywood yang terkenal dari pelbagai era yang dikompilasikan untuk 'collector's edition', seperti filem-filem yang pernah memenangi anugerah 'Oscar' ataupun filem-filem 'box-office', antaranya Gone With The Wind, The Godfather, The Great Escape dan lain-lain. Tetapi kita susah untuk berjumpa dengan dvd-dvd filem-filem klasik tanah air kita sendiri sedangkan banyak filem-filem lama kita yang berkualiti seperti Abang, Matinya Seorang Patriot, Puteri, Ranjau Sepanjang Jalan, Jogho dan lain-lain yang aku teringin untuk tonton semula. Hampir semua filem tersebut telah aku tonton semasa kecil, banyak yang aku tak ingat kisahnya tetapi ingatan-ingatan kabur pada masa lalu masih kekal di dalam minda, entah kenapa ia masih tersimpan di dalam bahagian memori jangka panjang (long-term memory) aku, aku pun tidak tahu. Mungkin kerana ia berkesan di hati?

Itupun ada juga filem-filem Allahyarham P.Ramlee dan yang sezaman dengannya yang dijadikan vcd dan dijual dikedai-kedai cd. Dan filem-filem tersebut kerap juga ditayangkan di kaca tv, namun bukankah lebih elok kalau dapat dilihat pengabadian naskhah seni yang berharga di dalam bentuk yang lebih tahan dan lebih menarik?

Nota kaki: The Dreamer sedang melakukan carian di Youtube untuk mencari filem-filem itu...jika anda tahu kewujudan dvd/vcd filem-filem di atas, sila maklumkan ya.. :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Helping Hand ~ Rumah Titian Kasih

I've been meaning to write about this shelter home for some time, even before the fasting month started, but anyway...better late than never.

Rumah Titian Kasih (RTK) is a shelter home for orphans, children and single mothers from broken families, the disabled and senior citizens and it is located just beside Tasik Titiwangsa, KL. It has been set up around 23 years ago and managed by Puan Sharifah Adlan (Mak Pah) and all those times, the home has been receiving voluntary help from various institutions, organizations and individuals in continuing its operation. The home basically provides roof for shelter for the people who need it, especially the young people who do not have any place else to go while they are growing up and receive their education until they can live independently on their own.

Other than receiving outside help, the single mothers of this home made small businesses selling snack food, mini catering and others as their source of income for this home. From personal experience, eating the lunch meal and the 'cendol' that they prepared were superb!

The following pictures were taken on 16 July 2011...

the place

sporting kids

their mini library

kids of various ages

the backyard...they need a more organized water-piping system

the open kitchen, maintained by the single mothers

Mak Pah, the driving force

For those who wish to help, you can drop by at the home at the following address to know what are their current needs, or help them with their business by purchasing their products at:-

No. 15, Jalan Persiaran Titiwangsa,
Tasik Titiwangsa,
53200 Kuala Lumpur

Tel. : 03-4025 5246

Direct monetary donations can be transferred to its Maybank account 564061002172

They have a blog, and also a Facebook account where you can know more about the home and its mission.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

a little note to my father...

A father is the central figure in a family unit. A father is the strong man, the rock, the foundation. A father is the protector. Both father and mother have their very own important roles in their family. But I would like to point out to fathers in this one, that who you are, reflects who your children will be in the future. As a father, he is the leader. He holds his family together. He is the idol of his children, the wall for support, the roof for shades, the base for firm footing.

But father is also human. A father can't do it all alone. 

My father is the man whom I look up to as an idol, as a role model. My father is a leader. A responsible and knowledgeable person. A man of systematic nature. My father had been to many places. He was a teacher and continues being in the lair of education even after his retirement. My father is a man of few words, but that doesn't mean he never gives advises, and asks about his children's well-beings. To me, a gentle pat on my head is already enough for me to feel my father's physical way of showing love. And I know he never fails to take care.

And he is a simple man. And he is human. Sometimes I felt that if things turned the other way, I would've been a better person...but we can't turn around the clock. And I have learned, hopefully, to accept what had happened.

I miss my father, although I see him, although he's here. I miss him...because even though he's here, he's also far and there are things separating us. I want him to be happy during his golden years. I want him to be proud of me. I want him to know that I love him no matter what. And I never blame him for anything. I am glad that I've let him know that. I am thankful that I still have the chance to ask for his forgiveness and kiss his hand and cheeks. I am grateful, that I have that chance. My prayers are always for you, Abah. All the burden that you have carried all these years, may Allah ease them away from you, may Allah forgive you, may no harm come to you. And may I always be a good daughter for you.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Helping Hand ~ Rumah Aman

The people around us, including ourselves, are always in need of something. It's just a matter of affordability. Sometimes we can get what we want easily, sometimes we need some help in getting things. And the people below is part of the people who need our help. This post is in support for TLC Promise Me campaign for the children of Rumah Aman.

So what is TLC?'s not T-Boz, Left Eye and Chilli musical trio from the zaman tok kaduk 90s. TLC, as you can read from here and here, is a company that provides a different way of charity by producing and selling household products that consumers like us need and the profit goes to the charity partners they are affiliated with. 

Rumah Aman ~ Nuffnang site

So, Nuffnang is joining TLC's Promise Me Campaign to help fulfill the need of Rumah Aman, an orphanage for boys of various age located in Shah Alam, Selangor in replacing their 15-year-old electricity wiring and lightning breaker system. Wanna know more? Check it out here. As you can see from the link, there are various way to help not just Rumah Aman but other charity institutions in affiliation with TLC's campaign. Buy TLC products, send your donations directly to the orphanage or pay a visit to the place to know what other things they need.

As for the TLC Promise Me Campaign, here are the ways for you to contribute :-
  1. Online donation via Maybank2U with the remark "Nuffnang Promise Me S2" to Rumah Aman (Shah Alam) bank account no. 562106720433 (Maybank);
  2. Donate via Milkadeal; see here;
  3. Donate via cheque; issued to Nuffnang Sdn. Bhd. and send it to
12B5 & 12B6, Heritage House
33 Jalan Yap Ah Shak
50300 Kuala Lumpur
All donations are tax deductible.

There you are. Feel free to surf all the links provided and let's help in any way that we can.