Author : Dato' Ismail Kamus and Mohd. Azrul Azlen Ab. Hamid
Publisher : Telaga Biru, 2009
Pages : 308
Genre : Religion
Bought at : Pustaka Mukmin, Jalan TAR
Price : RM55.00
A priceless book, I'd say. A laudable effort in making a guidance book full of references to fardhu 'ain, the 'manual' or 'guidance' of everyday life as a good Muslim. There are 7 main chapters in this book, namely...
Ch. 1: Syariat Kelahiran (guidance after birth)
Ch. 2: Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak (child's early learning)
Ch. 3: Syariat Berkaitan Remaja (guidance in teenage years)
Ch. 4: Fardu Ain Asas (the basics of fardu ain)
Ch. 5: Munakahat (Hukum Perkahwinan) (guidance in marriage)
Ch. 6: Syariat Dalam Bermasyarakat (guidance in community/social skills)
Ch. 7: Syariat Sunat Harian Sepanjang Masa (guidance in daily sunnah)
Each guidance are presented in a concise and comprehensive way, complete with helpful images and pictures. The presentation of the facts is neat and welcoming, not at all boring. This is a book that no home should miss having it and it is a great gift for individuals and family. It is easy to just flip through to any part that need to be referred in our daily life and this book is sold extensively in many bookstores.
Don't miss it!
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