Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Batu Ketiga Dari Matahari

Source: the book's fb
Batu Ketiga Dari Matahari...literally translated as 3rd Rock From The Sun...yup, I know what you're thinking but nope, it doesn't have any connection to that US sitcom about aliens trying to live as humans. This is the second book from Kerat Studio that I read, the first one being written here. The third rock from the sun is obviously the Earth, where we live in, and the tales are of life on it, its craziness, complexity, ugliness and dot dot dot ...etc.
Well, how can I say....after reading all 47 short stories written by 8 writers, it took me awhile to decide how I should write about it here. Well....that is art, not everybody can understand the same thing in the same way. For me, there's a mixture of cluelessness, awesomeness and 'waddehel'ness in this one book. 5 writers each has a piece with the same title, except for 3 writers, which I don't know why it's like that...
Anyway, I believe that all the stories are written with careful thoughts. And perhaps, if one person is thinking in the same wavelength as the others, then they can share the same thoughts... if not, all you get is noise.
However again, since this is suppose to be my personal thoughts about it, let me take this privilege to say thanks to ...

(in no particular order ... )

Zoul Yazix ... I like the way you weaved Warna Atas Dunia and how the rest of your 5 stories: Solitud, Imbasan Hidup, Pakcik Berbaju Batik Biru, Seorang VIP Di Perpustakaan Negeri, Perempuan Tanpa Badan Di Atas Rak Buku-buku Cinta and Ritual Cinta seems to be a continuation of one another;

Ophan Bunjos ... I can make my own conclusions from Di Sisi Dandelion Hitam, Nicoleta Bermata Hijau, Batu Ketiga Dari Matahari and Si Molly Sudah Terbang Ke Sorga, but I am lost with PendosaKembara Cinta and Menuju Malam Yang Tidak Pernah Tidur .... as if I'm trying to peel layers and layers of never ending ....;

april ... simple yet touching in Nota Memori, Adin and Seorang Aku, Dan Tuhan;

KHRLHSYM ... I can relate to Taman Masa; Kopi and Matahari touches me; and I like the way you wrote Batu Ketiga Dari Matahari and Dewa Kecil;

Encik Psychopath ... you are wise and brilliant in Melihat Tuhan, Terima Kasih Untuk Masa Anda and Taman Surga ... your work is much sweeter than your pen name;

Lucifer ... saya gerun dengan Bunyi Itu; I like the story of CCTV, and laughed in Batu Ketiga Dari Matahari, while Im[mortal]iti and Ini Bukan Kamasutra are brilliant;

nasyrun ... I know there's the real world behind the mysterious layers that you weaved all your stories with although I'm not sure what it is, complex wisdom? But Perihal Rockstar, Tahi Kucing Dan Faux-Deus does make sense to me ...;

Sahidzan ... reading Lenyap Dimamah Masa is like trying to capture a beautiful bird, it's beautiful, it's tempting ... but once you try to hold out your hands it flies away... the rest, nice experience of reading...

Whatever it is, all writers are in a class of their own...superb.
Reading this book is like eating asam pedas or curry ... it just tastes better after the first time.

Title : Batu Ketiga Dari Matahari
Secondary Title : Cerita fiksyen dari Lapan Homosapiens
Pages : 185
Publisher : Kerat Studio, 2012
Price : RM20.00
Language : Malay 


Amuse me ...