Title : Ensiklopedia Solat
Author : Please refer content
Publisher : Telaga Biru, 2011
Pages : 467 (Hardcover)
Genre : Encyclopedia, Religion
Bought at : MPH MidValley
Price : RM100.00
Encyclopedia is a word originated from Latin which means "in a circle of teaching". An encyclopedia is a compilation and collection of information on a specific topic of knowledge, arranged in alphabetical manner. As written in the publisher's note, this encyclopedia is specifically about solat and it took them about 4 years to produce it. The team of writers consists of Rohidzir Rais, Fuad Ismail and Hj. Mohamad Wahid Abd. Hanif, graduated from the prestigious Al-Azhar University, Egypt, in Syariah Islamiah; Al-Bayt University, Jordan in Syariah and Al-Azhar University, Egypt in Usuluddin (Aqidah and Philosophy), respectively. All of them are highly experienced in religious teaching and active in writing books.
The book's 4 syariah consultants are of highly acclaimed and widely experienced people in Islamic education, namely Prof. Dato' Paduka Dr. Mahmood Zuhdi Bin Abdul Majid, currently a lecturer in International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) in the Fiqh and Usul Fiqh department; Datuk Hj. Md. Hashim Yahaya, a former Mufti of the Federal Territory and a member of syariah committee in various institutions; Ustaz Abdul Ghani Samsudin, currently the chairman of the Secretariat for Southeast Asia Ulama' Assembly (SHURA); and finally Dato' Ismail Kamus, now retired and formerly served with the Federal Territory Islamic Affairs Department, the Islamic Center and was the resource person for the Islamic Affairs Division (BAHEIS) in the Prime Minister's Office.
That's it about the authors and editors. The content itself contains a wide range of solat-related topics from Air (water), Haidh (menses), Qada Solat, and sunnahs until Zikr. For every topic, the history, principles, dalils, literary and syarak definitions, methods and scientific aspects are explained with proper and accurate references. Mind maps, graphics and illustrations are included to help explain better.
Personal view. This book is a really good book for further references about various topic related to solat. However, I hope there will be a much better second edition as I think there should be more information about certain topics. For example, I have read about a certain tasbih to be recited in solat dhuha in other reference books but it isn't mentioned in this book. Perhaps, as a better encyclopedia, it can present more information pertaining sunnah obligation with proper explanations. In the cosmetic aspects, maybe for the purpose of reasonable price, the graphics and illustrations are not colourful, but the cover is very nice indeed. I think the publisher can improve on the type of paper used for printing and make the accompanying graphics looks better and interesting. However, this is just my two cents. In general, I do agree that :
1. The more you read, the more you know.
2. Learn, then practice what you learn.
3. Learning with books should be accompanied by learning with teachers.
...a book that should be in every home..
Encyclopedia is a word originated from Latin which means "in a circle of teaching". An encyclopedia is a compilation and collection of information on a specific topic of knowledge, arranged in alphabetical manner. As written in the publisher's note, this encyclopedia is specifically about solat and it took them about 4 years to produce it. The team of writers consists of Rohidzir Rais, Fuad Ismail and Hj. Mohamad Wahid Abd. Hanif, graduated from the prestigious Al-Azhar University, Egypt, in Syariah Islamiah; Al-Bayt University, Jordan in Syariah and Al-Azhar University, Egypt in Usuluddin (Aqidah and Philosophy), respectively. All of them are highly experienced in religious teaching and active in writing books.
The book's 4 syariah consultants are of highly acclaimed and widely experienced people in Islamic education, namely Prof. Dato' Paduka Dr. Mahmood Zuhdi Bin Abdul Majid, currently a lecturer in International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) in the Fiqh and Usul Fiqh department; Datuk Hj. Md. Hashim Yahaya, a former Mufti of the Federal Territory and a member of syariah committee in various institutions; Ustaz Abdul Ghani Samsudin, currently the chairman of the Secretariat for Southeast Asia Ulama' Assembly (SHURA); and finally Dato' Ismail Kamus, now retired and formerly served with the Federal Territory Islamic Affairs Department, the Islamic Center and was the resource person for the Islamic Affairs Division (BAHEIS) in the Prime Minister's Office.
That's it about the authors and editors. The content itself contains a wide range of solat-related topics from Air (water), Haidh (menses), Qada Solat, and sunnahs until Zikr. For every topic, the history, principles, dalils, literary and syarak definitions, methods and scientific aspects are explained with proper and accurate references. Mind maps, graphics and illustrations are included to help explain better.
Personal view. This book is a really good book for further references about various topic related to solat. However, I hope there will be a much better second edition as I think there should be more information about certain topics. For example, I have read about a certain tasbih to be recited in solat dhuha in other reference books but it isn't mentioned in this book. Perhaps, as a better encyclopedia, it can present more information pertaining sunnah obligation with proper explanations. In the cosmetic aspects, maybe for the purpose of reasonable price, the graphics and illustrations are not colourful, but the cover is very nice indeed. I think the publisher can improve on the type of paper used for printing and make the accompanying graphics looks better and interesting. However, this is just my two cents. In general, I do agree that :
1. The more you read, the more you know.
2. Learn, then practice what you learn.
3. Learning with books should be accompanied by learning with teachers.
...a book that should be in every home..
we what we read...we what we eat (Wardina Safiyah)