Sunday, May 8, 2011

Travelog Dakwah Meniti Hari Esok by Muhd Kamil Ibrahim

While I was waiting for my flight in the boarding room, I browsed the book corner set up in the area. My purpose was to look for a simple but interesting book to accompany my journey back to KL. That's when I came across this book. Of course, I was a little bit undecided because of the numerous other interesting topics promoted on the shelves. However, this one is of acceptable thickness, of a different kind of travelogue, very interesting synopsis and seems suitable for my trip.

It was a really good choice. Travelog Dakwah Meniti Hari Esok is written by an accounts professor from one of the most prestigious university in Malaysia, UiTM, by the name of Prof. Dr. Muhd Kamil Ibrahim. In it, he tells his story of the journey he had, the road he tread, in becoming a new, better person, in knowing and falling in love with his faith, his religion and Allah swt. Reading his story is a journey itself, chapter after chapter, following his transformation from someone who didn't know how to read the Quran when he was already in his 40s until he finished reading it, including the translations, while performing the haj in Mecca and Medina. And yet he maintains modestness in every sentence he wrote.

There are 32 chapters that are short and simple yet very captivating the interest to keep on reading. There's a lot of lessons that can be learned from this man's journey. It's not just about his post-Haj experiences and his success in 'khatam' Al-Quran, but the appreciation of every word he read and the enjoyment and satisfaction he felt from his journey of transformation. With easy and simple language, his words and messages are easy to  churn and digest. And touching too. One of the messages that he keeps repeating is the power of doa. Read it to know about it. Believe me, there's a lot more good things in this book than all that I can write about it here.

This book is preceded by another travelogue of his; Travelog Haji: Mengubah Sempadan Iman, which I haven't read yet. Definitely, that one's a future read.

Seeing something with your eyes..which eyes? Your pair of eyes, or your heart..or both?


  1. Pernah cari buku ni tapi tak jumpa2..Teringin sangat nak baca buku ni lepas terdengar pasal buku ni dalam radio suatu masa dulu...

  2. skrg mudah nak cari buku2 cam ni..klu xjumpa jg boleh je nak pinjam hehe...

  3. His first book mengubah sempadan iman sgt superb! Mengalir air mata bila membaca, byk membuka minda tujuan & sebab utk menunaikan haji...

  4. salam sis .. i was looking for the author travelogue in the web but bumped into urs instead .. good writing, i must say and must get hold of dat book .. :)


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