Sunday, January 2, 2011

Zero to One


The final week of 2010 is spent at my hometown. Whenever I am back, I'd have a change of mode. Less FBing, blogging, e-mailing, Farmvilleing (less...but doesn't mean none). In short, less destruction to the eyes from the glaring computer screen. Instead, every day I plan what to do for breakfast, lunch and dinner to a family of 8 in this family house. Practically, me being home means cooking-holiday for mom, in which I don't mind at all. Also playing with the li'l 'uns and find that their older sisters and brothers have grown many inches taller than the last time I saw them. Kids, how fast they grow..and they are not even eating calci-yum..hihi..

However, this 9-day holiday is by far, the longest holiday I've ever had for this year. For the final 2 days I am starting to feel a li'l bit restless..uh oh, don't get me wrong, I am not actually rooting for my working days just's just a feeling..the weather is not helping at all, well...what else can you expect for Malaysian weather in December? Rain, rain, and rain..significantly at the eastern coastal area of Peninsula Malaysia, where I am now.

At the time of writing this, it is 1 hour and 15 minutes counting to the new year. Yep, 2010 is leaving and 2011 is coming. Suddenly I remembered my 2010 resolutions. There were 2 main things..and they need more than a year to be, some more new wishes for the next year..insyaAllah, I will continue to fulfill all of my dreams.


I just want to be a happier person.

Within that one sentence, there's a lot to carry and do.


Happy New Year 2011, my friends.


  1. so, when are u coming here to cook for me? Heh.. Happy new year, dreamer!!! I also want to be a happier person too lah. I've been sulking too much i think. Huhuhu... All the best! Hugsss~

  2. BdC: thanks beb! HNY 2U2!

    Wa: who knows when..haha. sulking is not good for baby. cheerio!


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