Friday, May 17, 2013

randomly speaking ... boredom

boredom is hazardous
but before that, what is boredom?
why do you feel bored?
you will feel bored when you have nothing to do. no activity, nothing to look forward to, nothing to expect...nothing, NADA!
but sometimes it's not because you really don't have things to do. you may have certain tasks. you may have something that you ought to do but ...
you don't feel like doing it. there's a heavy feeling about it. you may not like it. you may feel that the things you have to do are not compatible with your nature that you don't really enjoy them.
boredom must be cured because if you leave it unattended, boredom can make you feel bad. when you mind is idle, it's easy for unworthy or kinky thoughts to creep in and your mind tends to go sideways. when you are bored, your lose motivation. when motivation is down, you won't feel happy, you don't feel highly spirited.
when you are not happy, there will be symptoms, depending on what actually bores you. you might not have the mood to face the day and you sleep late. you wake up late in the morning, and dreading to go to school/work. when at school/work, it's difficult for you to focus on something and wish that the day will soon pass. you may find reasons to ditch classes or work. you tend to be mindless of the rules or in other word, undisciplined.
with the above scenarios happening without control, you may lose sight on what's important, and you may lose yourself. plus, you may affect other people too. therefore, boredom is hazardous.
it takes a lot of personal effort to overcome boredom. finding the cause would be the first step and would probably be the hardest part. a strong will to change is also essential. if you don't have it, it will be only talk and no walk. fighting boredom is a challenge when the root cause is not known. seek enlightenment because maybe you lack barakah in your everyday life. return to your prayers and seek motivational materials. go get 'em!

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