Thursday, April 14, 2011

randomly speaking....travelling

What is the most important thing that you look for when you go for trips or vacations?

For me, the most important thing is to relax, and enjoy the view. Go around, see places. Take photos, appreciating the place's highlights.

I don't do shopping.
I don't go with one bag and come back with three bags.
I never like to travel heavy.

The only shopping I do is for the things that are unique and well-known to the place, for memorabilia or gifts to really close persons. The best things are those that you can't find anywhere else.

For places well-known for historical sites or beautiful nature, those are the things I look forward to enjoy.
For places with great structures and buildings, or famous hang outs, that's where I want to see.
And snap pictures.
No expiry. Lasts a lifetime.

And travel with a lot of people, is headache.
And travel with a guided package, no freedom.

Oh, I would love to be able to do that...travelling. 

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Amuse me ...