Saturday, September 25, 2010

Movie : Devil

Bad things happen for a reason...

Google image
M. Night Shyamalan has written yet another great thrilling story in the form of Devil, which I enjoyed watching as much as I had enjoyed Unbreakable, The Sixth Sense and The Village.

Five people, not knowing each other, were destined to board into the same elevator in a high-rise building. Mindless and thoughtless of each other at first but it changes when the elevator got stuck halfway.

Stuck in a confined space, they have nothing to do except having to stand at each other's fears and worries regarding their situation. There's the temporary security guard who seemed to be claustrophobic, there's the older woman who complaints and complaints, there's a lovely young woman who seemed to be a bit well-off, there's good-humoured yet sarcastic salesman who gets on everybody's nerves, and finally the mechanic with a brooding personality and seemed so mysterious.

Fear and worry leads them to be aware of each other, and their feelings escalated to terror and suspicions when every time the power is off, a life ended. One by one met a terrible doom. Who did it? Why it happened?

Outside, a detective who's just making a comeback after grieving the deaths of his wife and son in a hit-and-run is trying all his wit and might to fix the problem and free the occupants, together with his partner and 2 security guards. When the unbelievable things happen, time is crucial to keep everybody alive and find the real culprit.

Never occurs in their mind, that one of them is the Devil himself.

To me, this movie has all the element of a good thriller. There's a story in the beginning that leads to another story. There's grief. There's scariness but not to the point of making you puke and feeling disgusted. There's the mystery, the wondering. Finally, there's the answer, yet you will spend a considerable amount of time to ponder and assess and learn the messages, the hidden points and 'what-ifs'.

One of the five elevator passengers is the Devil, but who is it? Who are the five people inside, really...Why the Devil is onto them? Watching this movie will reveal it all. If I tell it here, it will be a spoiler, right?

The point is, the devil hides among us and will manipulate us if we never learn to be sorry for our mistakes and take actions to correct it. The devil has vowed to lead all human astray, lost in their wickedness, yet if we repent, from the deepest in our hearts and ask for God's forgiveness, the devil will lost.

So, for thriller lovers...this is a good watch!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pelarian Jiwa

Nak lari...
ke mana?

Nak lari...
dari kelemahan?
dari ketaksempurnaan?
dari kebosanan?
dari kepalsuan?
dari keletihan?
dari ketegangan?
dari ketidak serasian?
dari kemungkaran?
dari ketaksuban?
dari hipokrit insani?

Jaya dalam pelarianmu
Hakiki, tidak kafi...
Jangan palingkan wajahmu
Tuhan Maha Mengerti...

The Dreamer©2010

Monday, September 20, 2010 Golden

The Rule of Forefinger :

1. If you caught yourself staring at the computer for more than 15 minutes and your cursor is static since time immemorial - it's time to move on to another task, or better...shut down the computer and have a break, have a Kit Kat!

2. If after having a Kit Kat, you still find yourself unable to continue - pack your bags and go home.

3. If it is impossible for you to go home - it's time to change your career into acting, and act busy, so people think that you are still doing your work.

4. If guilt still hasn't landed in your mind yet - perhaps you can turn to blogging, call your mom, texting, gossiping etc. etc.

5. If finally you think that you are wasting the taxpayers money for paying your salary working unproductively (aka 'ngabihkan bogheh yo') - it's time to remember Surah Al-Asr and GET BACK TO WORK!!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

By (the Token of) Time (through the Ages),
Verily Man is in loss,
Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.

(Qur'an: Surah Al-'Asr, 103:1-3)

Note: Qur'an translation taken from 'The Meaning of The Holy Qur'an' by 'Abdullah Yusuf 'Ali.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tangisan hati...

Semakin tua umur kita, seharusnya semakin matang..seharusnya semakin bijak pertimbangan ... Semakin tua kita, semakin kita mencintai ketenangan, semakin kita merindui kedamaian, dan mendambakan suasana keharmonian dalam hidup kita, dalam keluarga kita.

Semakin tua kita, bukan perbalahan yang kita cari, bukan buruk sangka yang kita beri, apalagi dengki-mendengki. Semakin tua kita ini, seharusnya semakin kita kenali diri, semakin kita menginsafi. Sepatutnya kita menghargai usia yang masih ada. Usah kita menuntut bonus gaji yang belum tentu haknya untuk kita kalau kita lupa untuk mensyukuri nikmat bonus usia yang Allah swt kurniakan dalam setiap nafas yang kita hela.

Aku bukan sifu, aku bukan guru. Cuma terkenang...terkenang kepada kesayuan yang bersarang dalam hati di sebalik keceriaan yang dirasai...dalam kesyahduan Syawal ini. Kekeliruan bertandang melihat kebisuan...atau mungkin keegoan...yang gagal menyatukan silaturahim. Kekeliruan melihat bagaimana satu titik ketidakpuasan hati berkembang menjadi satu garisan benci...atau iri hati. Atau apa? Aku pun tak pasti.

Hakikatnya, kasih sayang tidak harus diatasi yang lain. Justeru, sebelum menutup mata, ku panjatkan doa pada-Nya, agar hati-hati ini menginsafi, agar hati-hati ini bersatu kembali, agar hati-hati ini mengingati tanggungjawab yang hakiki, mengatasi ketinggian emosi, keinginan duniawi.

Roses and Hearts

google image

One.. red rose
You liked me
Seventeen years, always the first

Two.. red rose
Flattered, was I?
Wilted and withered, but did it matter?

But dear, you are my past...

Now.., four..yellow
This heart, once hollow
Blank pages, empty space,
My oh my, what a daze..

I am not colour blind
I don't mind, I resigned
Let you in, in my mind,
in my heart
and you were right

my dear

roses, they wither, but the hands that gave them with a bonded heart
will always be remembered..

The Dreamer©2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Dear Ramadhan,
the end is close
i bid you farewell
not that i'm happy
not that i won't miss you
but i wish to see you
in the year to come

Dear Syawal,
you are coming
the sign of victory
the celebration of good deeds
come with all the glory
come with all joy
Show us the true meaning
of winning...
The Dreamer wishes "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri" to all her Muslim friends.

Ku susun sepuluh jari, ku tunduk merendah diri,
Memohon ampun dan maaf atas kekhilafan diri.
Lewat kemenangan ini, jangan lupa menyesali,
akan waktu-waktu alpa, waktu-waktu jiwamu sepi,
biar kelak menjadi pedoman, membenteng iman, menghias hati.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Music : PadaMu Kubersujud

One day, during the early morning of 'sahur', I was alone in the house, I turned on the tv and surfed the channels, then settled for TV3. By that time the drama "Janji Kekasih" was on air, I wasn't really interested to see the drama but I love to hear the OST, where hereby I lay down the lyrics, for its simple yet beautiful words and its lovely musical arrangements made this piece a friendly treat that travels deep to the heart and soul...

Ku menatap dalam gelap
tiada yang bisa ku lihat
selain hanya nama-Mu, 
Ya Allah

Esok ataukah nanti
ampuni semua salahku
lindungi aku dari
segala fitnah

Kau tempatku meminta
Kau beriku bahagia
jadikan aku selamanya
hamba-Mu yang selalu bertaubat

Ampuniku Ya Allah
yang sering melupakan-Mu
saat Kau limpahkan karunia-Mu 
dalam sunyinya aku bersujud 

(The lyrics and arrangements for this song is rightfully owned by its respective lyricists and composers, whom I am unable to find out by the time this post is published.)