Sad to say, I didn't achieve my target of reading 24 books for this year, 2012. (For those who don't have a clue about what I'm talking about, please refer to the 2012 Reading Challenge widget on the left panel). People usually brag about their accomplishments and achievements. I think no one would like to tell the world about their failure. Well, no one .... except me, at the moment. Shame on me. Huhu.
One of the main cause, excluding work commitments, is DISTRACTIONS. The whole lot of it. Also, I think I was rather picky. It took quite a while to find a title that would amuse me and grab my 100% attention to read it. Anyway, since I couldn't achieve this, I will maintain the number of books I want to read next year, which is coming in a few hours. So, one of my challenge for 2013 is to improve my reading habit and read at least 24 books. The more, the better.
To achieve that, I had analysed the distractions and now I have to take care not to let them sway me further from the path of wisdom, haha. The key to achieve everything that I want to do is TIME. Once I take care of time well, everything else will be taken care of. I love reading. I love books. All my life I have been enjoying it. All of the 14 titles that I managed to read this year have provided me all the good things in my life; accompaniment, knowledge, motivation, fun time etc.
So, wish me luck!